Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Monday, May 21, 2007


This just in: Mike D'Angelo, he of the insane (and possibly brilliant) anti-hype Cannes experiment, in which he is seeing everything blind, just gave Carlos Reygadas's new film Silent Light an A.

Seriously. Check it out. Remember that he hated both Japón and Battle in Heaven (the latter being a film I admire as much as one can admire a film without actually liking it). I now want to see this Silent Light thing more than any other film coming out this year (with the possible exception of the sure-to-be-amazing No Country for Old Men).

Looks like MD'A is having a pretty good Cannes, don't it?


At 2:53 PM, Blogger Kza said...

Color me shocked as well. Now I'm curious to see it, since I hated Hop On as much as him.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Paul C. said...

See, I knew back when I first saw BECAUSE IT'S NOT REALLY IN JAPAN, GET IT? that Reygadas had talent and might end up making a great movie, if only he could shake off his impulses toward (a) bloated self-importance, and (b) sex scenes involving ugly people. Looks like he's finally lived up to that promise.

I guess Reygadas is cutting out 20 minutes from SILENT LIGHT- supposedly he rushed the editing in order to make the Cannes deadline. I wonder what effect it'll have. A D'Angelo 91 is pretty hard to beat though- he doesn't give provisional "hey, this is a 91 even though it's a little too long" grades, after all.

Either way, I'm pretty stoked.


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