Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where my cynicism comes from

I don't know what's sorrier: that I saw someone today wearing a sweatshirt proudly trumpeting the CRUSDADERS or that I had to explain to a coworker why that was amusing me so.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Kza said...

"Crusdaders"? Even if it was spelled correctly, I'm not sure what the dilly yo.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Steve C. said...

Well, yeah. My amused reaction was due to the fact that there's no possible way that could have been an intentional typo -- there's nothing clever or funny about it. It's just a fuck-up, and this guy was wearing it like it was nothing. Hey, more power to him -- he blew the money on it after all.


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