Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Free script idea!

Somebody should write a Tom Waits biopic and slip a copy to Ron Perlman. I generally don't like biopics, but I'd love to see that one.


At 11:53 PM, Blogger Kza said...

Heh -- I can see that. I'll get right on it, soon as I'm done with my Fleetwood Mac and Harry Nilsson biopic scripts.

(I'm only 1/2 kidding here.)

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Paul C. said...

You can take this one, Kza. I'm too busy hashing out a Tenacious D reboot, which in its final form will hopefully feature songs by Jim Steinman and be directed by Ken Russell. Should be the most awesome thing ever created by man. I'd buy that for a dollar.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Steve C. said...

The D as seen by Ken Russell? I dunno, man -- I'm still scarred from the unholy clusterfuck of Tommy.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Paul C. said...

Still, the real 200-proof hallucinatory bombast that Russell would bring to the project beats the hell out of the winking variety that Liam Lynch did.

I guess I just want a do-over of the whole D movie. It wasn't bad, mind you, but it wasn't as totally awesome as it really should have been.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Kza said...

I'm too busy hashing out a Tenacious D reboot, which in its final form will hopefully feature songs by Jim Steinman and be directed by Ken Russell.

Oh holy crap, that would be awesome.

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Paul C. said...

See, doctors? I'm not (that) crazy!

Also, as cool as it'd be to see Perlman play Waits, Waits ain't such a shabby actor himself. Sure, he always plays some variation on himself, but he's such an interesting character nobody who knows any better complains.


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