Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Unforeseen expenses

So I recently spent $114 on a bottle of beer. No, really.

Here's what happened: My father-in-law was helping remodel the bathroom in the apartment where my wife and I currently reside. During the work, he apparently developed a powerful thirst that could only be slaked by beer. He goes into the fridge and pulls out a beer. Later, I show up to get a couple of things from the apartment. He tells me, "Hey, this beer was pretty good," and hands me an empty bottle.

An empty bottle of Stone Vertical Epic Ale 2003.

See, we weren't staying in the apartment during the remodeling, and because of that, I wasn't keeping any cold beer handy. The only thing in the fridge, buried way in the back, was my Vertical Epic collection. Furthermore, while I have backup bottles on the '06 and '07, I had no such moment of foresight for the older vintages. So that's how a bottle that cost me seven bucks when I bought it five years ago set me back three figures when I replaced it via the magic of eBay.

I can't complain too much, though. I did get a free bathroom out of it.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Kza said...

So, uh, did you tell him? Or is just between you and me and the rest of the Internet?

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Steve C. said...

Yeah, he knows what he drank. At the time I told him the bottle was most likely irreplaceable, so I think the fact that I found it at all counts as an improvement.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger RC said...

whoa, that's some expensive rehydration fluid.

sounds like you did a good job keeping a coolhead.

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, don't get mad, but that story made me guffaw. C'MON.

There's a "priceless" Mastercard commercial somewhere here.

Be careful what you collect, Mr. Cosgrove, for you'll have to MOVE SOMEDAY AND PACK MANY BOXES AND IT WILL BE HELL'S BELLS!!!!AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Steve C. said...

Jenny: Oh please, woman. I moved twice last year alone. I know all about the packing and the stuffing and the carrying and the hey don't drop that oh now it's broken mumble grumble.

RC: I was pretty good at keeping myself level. Like I said, free bathroom!

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, do you remember what box you ramdomly tossed my EFFING TORONTO PHOTO IN, YOU THIEVING BASTICHE???


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