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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Latest proof that Kyle Smith is a moron

Kyle Smith, would-be critic for the New York Post, is without question one of the snidest, least insightful, all-around-worst film critics in America. Even by the low, low standards I keep for the Post (V.A. Musetto is generally worth reading, but nobody else), Smith is an embarassment. I thought his review of Basic Instinct 2, a snotty Rex-Reed-style bitchfest that took up seven paragraphs calling Sharon Stone old, would be his nadir for the year. Then he tackled Fur, criticizing it for its lack of veracity with this howler:

"This movie has little to do with the actual Diane Arbus. Not only did she not fall for a Wookiee and steal his life and ideas - Arbus, who committed suicide in 1971, was known for her portraits of freaks - but Lionel didn't exist."

I suppose Mr. Smith missed the word 'Imaginary' in the film's subtitle.


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