Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A vile vanishing point

Okay, this is just wrong. As a rule of thumb, I'm not much into the martini craze anyway... but no. NO.

I'm sorry, there's no debating this. Anyone who values alcohol, who understands the state of exaltion that can come from consuming a fine wine, beer or spirit, would refrain from ever even thinking this combination, let alone sampling it. Even Bukoff doesn't deserve a fate like this. The man who dreamed that up is a demon and should be dealt with accordingly.


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Kza said...

"...and then we top it off with a fried egg. It's called the Good Morningtini..."

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Steve C. said...

LOL! Now now, let's not give anyone any idears...


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