Hideous Penguin Boy vs. Really Big Head

Because more than anything, we need real change.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Michael Haneke: Not George Sluizer

I've been on the fence about the upcoming American remake of Michael Haneke's infamous post-modern home invasion film Funny Games. On one hand, if anyone is going to remake it, Haneke should be the guy to do it, and it struck me as a good sign that he was indeed at the helm. On the other hand, there would certainly have to be compromises made to Haneke's uncompromisingly nasty scenario. Surely, at least, the video scene would have been altered.

So much for that. According to someone who's seen it, Haneke's attitude was along the lines of, "I'm changing nothing and go fuck yourself if you don't like it." Funny Games a la America is, by this report, the same vicious, thorny audience-baiting treatise on media violence that its Austrian counterpart was.

Of course, that brings up a new question: Does that make the remake more valid or completely superfluous?

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I have found in recent years that there's few things more satisfying to me than a good sandwich. Spurred by hunger and a burst of creativity, I just crafted an epic sandwich. I started with rye bread, upon which I spread a small amount of a garlic-balsamic mustard I picked up when visiting a local brewery recently. Instead of lettuce (which I don't have in house anyway), I then added two leaves of fresh basil. Upon that, I added a couple small slices of jalapeno pepper. For the meat, I used a honey-glazed turkey, and for the cheese I used a good pepper Jack. At the last second, I also added a dash of fresh parsley.

Result? Jesus, this thing is tasty. So I'm eating that while heading into the final hour of Yi Yi, which is as great as everyone keeps saying it is. Life is pretty fuckin' keen right now.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dude, I need money with a quickness

Why? So I can hop on the next plane to Edinburgh and see the play that has this catchy little ditty. This HAS to come to New York. I will sell slaving rights to my firstborn if that's what it will take to get this to come to New York.


Would anyone have any idea why there were so many people doing a search on the term "ageless dwarf" yesterday? The OCE got 100 hits from 100 different IP addresses and three different search engines on the term "ageless dwarf," thanks to my review of I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse. Is there some sort of 'Net scavenger hunt going on? Is this possibly related to Cloverfield? Seriously, if somebody knows something, please enlighten me. It's fuckin' weird, maaaaan...

Monday, August 06, 2007

I don't know why I'm so excited over this...

Considering the man's done nothing but disappoint me for the last twenty years, but...


Thursday, August 02, 2007

How did your weekend go mine had its moments kthxbye

Yes indeed...